Warning!  Lemon m/m.  This story also contains bondage and macrophilia, and is meant to be nothing more than a fun little romp.

Please see Disclaimer at the end of the story.


The Bigger They Are


"That’s it, I’ve had just about enough lip out of you today, P-Chan!" Ranma wapped the back of Ryoga’s head as he stepped around the wandering martial artist, who was currently securely tied to a chair in the middle of the dojo. Ryoga grunted softly, but grinned up at Ranma regardless, showing his fangs.

"Yeah so?" he challenged, dark brown eyes twinkling merrily. "What do you think you can do about it, Saotome?"

Ranma drew back, crossing his arms over his chest and narrowing his eyes at the boy held captive in the chair. "I don’t think you’re in any sort of position to be issuing challenges, boy-o. In case you ain’t noticed, I seem to have you at my mercy."

Ryoga wiggled a bit in the chair. He was lashed to it firmly, ropes wrapped tightly around his chest and arms, and ankles secured to the wooden legs. He was wearing only his black silk pants, and the white ropes stood out attractively against his wind-tanned skin. Because of his superior strength, Ranma had made sure that the ropes were industrial-grade and plentiful. As the Lost boy shifted position, the restraints hissed and burned against his bare skin, and he felt a warm flush spread through him, concentrating itself in his nether regions.

Ranma saw Ryoga blush and smiled slyly, leaning forward. He rested his foot on the seat of the chair between Ryoga’s legs and propped his elbow against his knee. "Yeah, I got you, and you know it, don’t you P-Chan?" he said lowly, letting his dark blue eyes twinkle. "I could do anything I want to you now, and you can’t do a thing to stop me."

A few drops of sweat trickled down the side of Ryoga’s face. "You don’t have the balls," he retorted hotly.

"You don’t think so?" Ranma reached down and ran his fingers lightly along the line of Ryoga’s jaw, then down the front of his chest, playing around the bite of the ropes. Ryoga swallowed hard, then began to shiver as Ranma worked his foot up into his crotch, wiggling his bare toes beneath the Lost Boy’s private parts.

"Hello Ranma," Mousse walked casually into the dojo, carrying a small pouch with him. He didn’t seem at all surprised to find the other two boys engaged in such illicit activities. In fact, he stopped beside them with a faintly amused smile on his lips, and gently ruffled Ryoga’s tousle of black hair. "Hey Ryoga."

"Yo, Mousse." Ranma grinned broadly, straightening, but leaving his foot to play with the bound boy’s most sensitive region. "Didja bring what I asked for?"

"Sure did," Mousse nodded, slipping his glasses down over his azure blue eyes and digging into the pouch he had brought. He withdrew two spray bottles, handing the blue one to Ranma. "That one is the Reducer," he explained, and held up the red bottle he still held. "This one is the Enlarger."

Ranma pushed his toes deeply into Ryoga’s crotch, ignoring the Lost Boy’s plaintive groan, as he held the blue bottle up to the light and peered at it. "Geeze Mousse, it’s almost gone. You been playing with Heero again?"

The Amazon blushed, chuckled a bit and rubbed the back of his neck. "Well . . . maybe a bit . . ."

"Oh no you don’t!" Ryoga huffed, looking distinctly over-heated. "You’re -not- using that damn stuff on me again, Saotome! You nearly suffocated me the last time!"

"Be quiet, P-Chan. You love it and you know it." Ranma beamed at his captive, managing to maintain his balance on one foot while using the other to rub against the hardness beneath the material of Ryoga’s pants. The Lost Boy gritted his teeth tightly and tipped his head back, growling lowly in his throat.

Mousse squinted at the bound and squirming boy. "Don’t you usually use shackles and chains?" he asked Ranma conversationally.

"Yeah, but he broke them last week. He gets so violent when he orgasms. Frankly, I’m surprised the ropes are holding up." On the tail end of his sentence, several of the loops wrapped around Ryoga’s chest frayed and snapped, unable to withstand the boy’s powerful throes.

"Hmm, maybe you’d better use the Reducer on him now, then," Mousse suggested, knowing the types of things that happened when Ryoga was set free and out for retaliation. Maybe Ranma enjoyed Ryoga’s rough handling, but Mousse was a bit more prone to bruising.

"Good idea," Ranma agreed, really working his foot against Ryoga now, and looking a bit flushed and glassy-eyed himself. "You got some of that wire handy?"

"Of course." Mousse slipped his hands into the huge sleeves of his robe and fished around.

Ranma, in the meantime, held up the blue spray bottle, pointing it at Ryoga, who was too concerned with what was going on in his crotch to really take notice. Ranma hesitated for a moment, watching the Lost Boy toss his head, listening to his panting breaths and small uncontrolled moans, seeing his lean muscles tighten and rub against the remaining ropes. Damn, but Ryoga was gorgeous when he was in the heat of passion like this! The pig tailed boy simply had to take a moment to admire him.

Then he sprayed the contents of the blue bottle directly into Ryoga’s flushed face.

The Lost Boy sneezed, had an available moment to glare at Ranma, and then shrunk away, leaving his pants draped across the chair. He grew smaller and smaller, until he was only about six inches tall, and then stopped. Laying a bit stunned, naked, and highly aroused on the seat of the chair, little Ryoga shook his head to clear out the disorientation which always resulted from changing size.

Ranma was quick to pick him up before he could get his senses and try to escape. He wrapped his fingers around Ryoga’s small hot body and lifted him up, squeezing just tight enough to let the boy know who was boss, but not firmly enough to do any real damage. Ryoga squirmed, arms trapped at his sides, and painful hard-on pressed tightly against the inside of Ranma’s fingers.

"Agh!" he yelled, wee little fangs showing as he struggled. "Ranma! You bastard!"

"Here," Mousse handed Ranma a coil of strong wire.

"Thanks," Ranma nodded. Swiftly and carefully, he set to the task of wrapping the wire around Ryoga’s body, looping the flexible but sturdy metal several times around his chest, keeping his arms pinned close to his sides, then around his legs. "Now now, Ryoga," he purred soothingly as he worked. "Be a good boy. You know how the deal works. Whoever loses the fight does whatever the other wants."

"But I -always- lose!" Ryoga snapped, attempting to bite Ranma’s finger.

"Yeah, that’s too bad, isn’t it?" Ranma used a pair of clippers supplied by Mousse to snip off the extra wire and handed both back to the Amazon. He laid Ryoga out flat in his hand and smiled brightly, eyes sparkling, at the sight of the wandering martial artist wrapped up tightly in the metal cocoon, with only his head, feet and genitals uncovered. Ryoga could protest all he wanted, but his trembling state of arousal was more than enough evidence as to what he was really feeling. He liked to fight and struggle, but in the end Ranma knew Ryoga really enjoyed being dominated in such ways. And he especially enjoyed being restrained.

Ranma didn’t really understand Ryoga’s interest in being subservient and helplessly abused, but he was more than happy to indulge it. He poked Ryoga’s hard-on with the tip of a finger, delighted when the boy snapped his eyes shut and shivered beyond control.

Mousse peered at them. "Bizarre," he decided.

Ranma laughed. "Oh, and the stuff you do with Heero isn’t?"

Mousse might have issued a scathing reply, but didn’t get the chance to, because they were suddenly interrupted by a wall of the dojo splintering inward and the noisy arrival of a certain upperclassman. Mousse and Ranma both ducked and covered themselves to prevent being injured by any of the flying wood; the pig-tailed boy being sure to protect his precious handful.

"Ahha!" Tatewaki Kuno laughed, striking a formidable pose with his bokkan held dramatically at the ready. "This! This then shall be the means by which I will finally smite the accursed Ranma Saotome!"

"Huh?" Ranma gazed at him blankly, straightening. He quickly slipped Ryoga into the waistband of his pants, where the elastic held him firmly in place. "What are you yammering about, Kuno?"

"Silence cretin!" Kuno bellowed. "I speak of - THIS!" Dashing forward with a speed that neither of the properly sized boys expected, the Blue Thunder of Furinkan High snatched the red spray bottle out of Mousse’s hands and held it triumphantly over his head.

"Hey!" Mousse protested belatedly.

"Damn it," Ranma groaned. "Look Kuno, you don’t want to use that. Listen to me, that stuff can be dangerous."

"I’ll not pay heed to your false warnings, Saotome," Kuno sniffed importantly, using an elegant hand to flick his heavy bangs away from his eyes in a superior manner.

"Yeah well, listen to this!" Ranma jumped forward in an attempt to wrest the bottle away from him, depending on his superior speed. But Kuno somehow managed to evade him, stepping aside and hooking his bokkan around Ranma’s right knee. A simple twist of the wrist flipped the pig tailed martial artist over in mid air, and he landed hard on his back against the floor with a labored "Ooof!!"

"The righteousness of my cause grants me victory," Kuno decided smugly and sprayed himself with the Enlarger.

Ranma and Mousse were forced to take further cover as Tatewaki Kuno’s head broke through the ceiling and roof of the dojo, lumber raining down and shingles flying forth in all directions. The remains of his clothing fluttered to the floor in shredded flakes, along with the bokkan. When he reached a height that was in almost exact proportion to Ranma’s proportion with Ryoga, the Blue Thunder ceased his growth and found himself staring out over the roofs of the neighborhood. Delighted, he began to laugh with maniacal glee.

"Oh great," Mousse rubbed his temples, feeling a headache coming on.

Ranma checked to make sure that Ryoga was okay, then gazed up and up at Kuno. His mouth opened slightly as he gaped, eyes widening, and he found himself frozen in position as Kuno’s large hand began to descend toward him.



Meanwhile, in another part of Tokyo, a handsome blonde man was busy menacing a group of little girls dressed in fukus. However, he paused and tipped his head as if listening to something that only he could hear. It seemed to bother the girls greatly that he was no longer paying attention to them, and they were about to use the opportunity to take him down, but weren’t given a chance to. With a gracious nod and a vague apology, the man clad in dark grey uniform with red trim hopped into the air and teleported away.



Ranma scrambled, skittering to his feet and tearing out of the dojo, Mousse hot on his heels. Seeing that his prey had evaded his clutches, Kuno began to pursue, a single one of his steps catching him up to the pig tailed object of his pursuit quite nicely. Luckily the Tendo family was away on an outing that particular day, otherwise they might have been most upset about the gigantic footprint that was now their back yard.

"Ranma Saotome!" Kuno bellowed, vibrating the neighboring houses. "You’ll not escape me!" Shouting further various flowery threats, Kuno swooped his hand down in an attempt to snatch up the fleeing Ranma. The pig tailed boy deftly jumped out of the way, narrowly avoiding a messy landing in a group of trash cans and cursing up a storm.

Being thus distracted, Ranma wasn’t quick enough to evade Kuno’s second grasp, and suddenly found himself snugly encased in the upperclassman’s large warm fingers. Frantically struggling to get away before the Blue thunder could firm his grip completely, Ranma clawed at the top of Kuno’s thumb and tried to pull himself free. Unfortunately, his struggles were for naught, and his stomach fell away sickeningly as Kuno swiftly lifted him up to eye level and grinned triumphantly at him.

"HA!" he barked, blowing Ranma’s hair back with the force of his exclamation.

Ranma began to laugh as well, nervously, in reply. "Ahhahaha! Kuno . . . buddy . . . " he tried to smile endearingly up at his captor. "Now, you’re not gonna do anything I might regret, here, are you?"

"Silence vile sorcerer!" Kuno roared, gripping Ranma a bit tighter as he clenched his hand in virtuous fervor. Ranma made an odd *gurk* sound, but it wasn’t until he felt a strange squirming at his waist that he remembered poor Ryoga was still tucked securely under the elastic of his pants, and was probably being thoroughly crushed, if not asphyxiated as well.

"Kuno!" Ranma yelped frantically, trying to squirm his hands down between himself and Kuno’s fingers so that he could pluck the helpless little Lost Boy out of the press. "Kuno, damn it! Ease up, would ya?! You’re gonna smoosh Ryoga!"

Kuno blinked, a blank expression crossing his features momentarily. "Nani?" he began to ask, but the word died on his lips as a sinister shadow fell across him from behind, blocking the warm shine of the sun from most of the district of Nerima.

His grip loosened enough for Ranma to retrieve his minuscule plaything, but it was only after making sure that the flushed and near unconscious Ryoga was all right that Ranma thought to wonder why. He felt a rush of cooling air as Kuno turned, and when he had blinked the motion tears out of his eyes, Ranma looked up to see what had so captured the Blue Thunder’s attention.

And looked up . . . and up . . .

A trickle of sweat running down his forehead, the Blue Thunder swallowed hard and found himself staring at the shiny black calf boots of a man who was taller than he was. Much taller. In fact, as he allowed his gaze to sweep up the tower of the man’s body, Kuno estimated that this giant was to him what he was to Ranma. Unable to control the shiver that shimmered through him, Kuno lifted his head to meet the man’s cool blue eyes as he crouched down to have a better look at both the upperclassman and the prize gripped in his hand.

Ranma’s barely squeaked, "Oh Kami-sama . . . " went largely unheard.

"Hello," the uniformed man greeted, smiling in a way that seemed at once pleasant and potentially lethal. He reached out and gently ruffled Kuno’s hair. "Care to tell me why you’re running around my city at such a size?"

"Your city?" Kuno got a hold of himself and puffed up, despite the man’s obvious height advantage. "How dare you try to claim the metropolis in which resides Takewaki Kuno as your own? I’ll not have it!" He lifted his fisted hand, as if meaning to shake his bokkan menacingly, before remembering that it hadn’t changed size with him. As a result both Ranma and the recovering Ryoga were rattled around quite jarringly. To compensate for his absent weapon, Kuno tried to stand as tall as possible and glared icily up at the intruder. "Speak your name, brigand, or face my wrath!"

"By the Darkness, you are a feisty one, aren’t you?" the blonde chuckled lightly, rubbing his white gloved fingers against his chin thoughtfully. "If I don’t end up killing you, I may just keep you."

Kuno’s stormy blue eyes widened incredulously. "You would liken Tatewaki Kuno to a -pet-?!" he exclaimed indignantly. "I have no time for this nonsense!" Kuno tried to duck around the man, who, still crouching, moved pointedly in his way, carelessly crushing a group of stores and businesses beneath his shiny black boot.

"Fiend!" Tatewaki Kuno sputtered.

"My name is Jedite," the handsome blonde finally replied, his low smooth voice ringing out over the district. "General of the Negaverse. The greater Tokyo area is my territory, and I don’t take kindly to interlopers."

"Interloper?!" Kuno yelped, very much insulted. Ignoring frantically shouted protests from the little Ranma he still clutched in his hand, the Blue Thunder stepped closer to Jedite, a fearsome scowl planted on his face. He poked at the General’s knee for emphasis. "Sir, you besmirch the honorable name of the House of Kuno! I, Takewaki Kuno, age 17, challenge thee!"

"All right," Jedite shrugged with a very evil smile. He straightened and took a step forward, demolishing several houses as he did. The very skies darkened and clouds began to roll in, flickering with lightning. Looking momentarily uncertain, Kuno backed up, tripped over a parked bus and went down, landing on his rump with an impact that shook the area for several miles. Luckily, his bare rear connected against the grassy hills of the park rather than with something more solid and potentially painful.

He barely had time to marvel at his good luck, however, before Jedite’s huge hand was descending toward him.




Meanwhile, in another dimension entirely, a young man with a cascade of silvery hair opened his striking blue-green eyes and fixed his glacier gaze firmly on something unseen. Rumblings in the darkness that permeated the very fabric of the universe . . . he could feel them swirling like smoke over water, fleeting and insubstantial, but real nonetheless. Interested in spite of himself, the man stood, summoned his usual clothing, and phased away to investigate.




"I’m beginning to feel like one of those Russian dolls," Ryoga commented dryly from where he hung securely in Ranma’s grip. "You know, the ones that open up and always have a smaller doll inside? Only in reverse. Arghk!" He grimaced, feeling all of his insides rub together in the wrong ways as Ranma’s hold tightened reflexively and the metal wire he was still wrapped in grated against his flesh coldly. "Ranma!" he squeaked.

"Sorry . . . " Ranma panted and loosened his fist a bit, but really couldn’t concentrate on what Ryoga was saying, as he was busy being squished by Kuno’s hand which was wrapped tightly around his own body. He wiggled and squirmed, desperately trying to draw in a good breath of air and failing. He lifted his eyes up, fixing them on Kuno’s face far above him, and couldn’t help but notice Jedite’s distant features far above Kuno. Oh Kami-sama, this was the stuff of nightmares!

Ryoga could really only see Ranma, and Kuno only very vaguely. However, he felt the heat of fever coming off the pig tailed martial artist’s skin, heard the boy’s quickening pulse in the blood vessels beneath his head, and could sense that he was now at an incredible height. For once, he was glad that he was small, as he had no idea what was happening, and that was probably for the best.

"Kuno!" Ranma yelled wheezingly as the Blue Thunder’s grip tightened yet again. In response, his own hold on Ryoga constricted, and the Lost Boy ground his teeth against the pain that flashed through his body. Strangely enough, however, even though it hurt and even though he was tightly restrained and helpless, Ryoga couldn’t help but feel rather snug, warm and aroused.

Kuno was paying no heed to the small body in his hand. All of his attention was dominated by the grip he himself was being held in, and the pleasantly smiling face of the man who held him. Jedite was running the tip of a finger through the kendoist’s hair, and each time he was touched, a shock of fear and excitement blazed through his body. His bare skin rubbing against the inside of Jedite’s hand created an odd friction that Kuno had never experienced before. It was frightening but stimulating at the same time.

Jedite smiled. He could see that Kuno held a smaller boy in his own hand, and if he squinted it seemed as if that smaller boy was holding yet another. What a day! Three toys for the price of one! This would certainly help to fill all of the empty boring free time he usually spent lounging around the uneventful Negaverse, in between missions of gathering energy and harassing the Sailor Scouts. Not only that, but he could feel the heat flushing through Kuno’s body as he was held, and Jedite had to grin to himself knowingly. So, the pompous little punk got a cheap thrill out of being out-sized, did he? So much the better.

Jedite laid Kuno out in the palm of his hand, eyes twinkling with merriment. He ignored the young man’s grandiloquent threats and protests, and ran two of his fingers firmly down the length of his nude body, an action which had the effect of freezing Kuno in place as pleasure overload assaulted his brain. The foreign feeling of those large finger tips tracing down his chest, stomach, lightly brushing his genitals, and continuing down his legs was overwhelming. Kuno gasped out a few wordless exclamations of shock and surprise, and could only lay still in Jedite’s hand.

"You like that, don’t you little boy?" Jedite smiled, his voice a low purr that trembled through the air.

Kuno did his best to look aghast and insulted. "Certainly not!" he shouted, waving an indignant fist up at the General. Luckily, it was not the fist that held Ranma and Ryoga. "How dare you presume such a thing? And how dare to seek to take such base advantage of Tatewaki Kuno, Blue Thunder of - - - erk!!"

The young man’s objections were abruptly cut off as Jedite brought his hand close to his face and unexpectedly ran his tongue up Kuno’s body, as if licking a sweet piece of candy. Kuno was stunned, his senses and mind warring between whether this was a bad thing or an incredibly sensual thing. He barely had the time to deal with that, however, before Jedite blew a puff of warm breath over him, evaporating the moisture his tongue had left and sending a violent wonderful shiver through Kuno’s entire body. The kendoist squirmed and moaned, completely assaulted and overrun by the feeling of intense pleasure that invaded his body.

The wracking shiver left him laying weakly in Jedite’s palm. His own hand fell open, granting Ranma the freedom to move again, but the pig tailed boy simply stayed where he was for the moment, grateful that he was no long being crushed, but also knowing that they were very very high off the ground. One wrong step off the wrong hand would be a very big mistake indeed.

His dark blue eyes widened as he saw Jedite’s fingers descend on Kuno once more, stroking his body as if he were a fuzzy caterpillar in the General’s hand. The Blue Thunder didn’t seem to be protesting anymore. He simply lay there moaning softly, his growing arousal absolutely evident, eyelids fluttering. Jedite’s first finger carefully concentrated on the region of Kuno’s greatest heat, coaxing him into further hardness.

Just watching the huge upperclassman being molested in such a way by an even larger captor sent a flush of heat through Ranma’s own body, and his mouth suddenly seemed very dry.

"Ranma!" Ryoga piped up, still in the pig tailed boy’s hand. Being so much smaller than the action, he couldn’t really see what was going on, but had a pretty good idea, if only based on the increasing warmth of Ranma’s skin and the rather large sounds of pleasure coming from Kuno’s general direction. The thought of being held by someone who was being held by someone else who was being held by still someone else was almost enough to short circuit the Lost Boy’s brain. He wiggled desperately in his metal prison, feeling his own hard-on returning.

Ranma’s fevered blue eyes swung in his direction suddenly, and Ryoga could see the arousal and desire in those large crystalline depths. Ranma’s thumb rubbed absently against Ryoga’s exposed genitals as he shifted his gaze back toward Kuno and Jedite, breath now coming in slightly labored gasps. The pig tailed martial artist was absolutely stunned. Even though he enjoyed shrinking Ryoga down on occasion and playing with him, Ranma had personally never -ever- thought that being in the clutches of someone larger than he could be so stimulating. Actually, he’d really wondered why in the world Ryoga got off on it in the first place.

But now . . . now as he was jostled around by Kuno’s fluttering and desperate movements, as he stared glassily at Jedite’s fingers moving over Kuno’s body, at Kuno’s hips moving beyond his control, straining his hard-on up towards Jedite’s touch . . . . now . . . now Ranma thought he understood.

He clutched Ryoga a bit tighter, causing the Lost Boy to make a little uncomfortable noise. Ranma smiled at him and leaned back against the span of Kuno’s fingers, reaching into his pants with the hand holding the Lost Boy, to fondle at his own developing erection. Ryoga found himself smooshed between Ranma’s member and his hand, his exposed bits pressed hard against the larger boy’s warming shaft. Ranma wrapped his hand around both and began to pump himself, using Ryoga’s small bound body as textile stimulation.

Ryoga nearly fainted from delight. He couldn’t do much beyond enjoying the ride and the feel of his own erection rubbing Ranma’s, but every now and then when his head wasn’t spinning too much, he managed to plant a few kisses or bites on Ranma’s sensitive flesh. Ranma jerked each time he did, quickly losing himself in pleasure, letting his head fall back against Kuno’s twitching hand. When the larger kendoist reflectively and rhythmically clenched his fingers, mimicking the movements of his hips and Jedite’s finger, Ranma reached up with his free hand and hooked it around one of those fingers, dragging it down closer. As Ryoga was doing with his erection, Ranma began to bite and suck the salty surface of Kuno’s warm skin.

Kuno was a bit surprised by the unexpected strange ticklish feel on his finger, but being caught up in his impending climax, he wasn’t able to give the matter much thought, though in some distant part of his brain, he realized that it felt good. In fact, the sharp little bites were actually rather stimulating and helped push him right over the edge he’d been building up to. With a soft cry and a tensing of his entire body, Kuno humped a few more times against the tip of Jedite’s finger and reached his trembling climax, nearly crushing Ranma as he fisted his hands.

Ranma didn’t mind too much. That and the feel of Ryoga reaching his own peak against his erection was just what he himself needed to reach that high. He smushed Ryoga hard against his member as he ejaculated, body shuttering violently.

Jedite was grinning widely. "Looks like everyone enjoyed that," he muttered. He brought his hand closer to his cool blue eyes and peered down at Ranma, very very carefully poking at him with the tip of his finger. "You’ve got another with you, ne?" he asked quietly, so that his voice wouldn’t overwhelm the tiny youth.

Ranma gaped at him, then nodded mutely, hand still shoved deeply in his pants.

Jedite chuckled. Yes, he would definitely have to take these three home to play with. Once in the Negaverse, he would be able to shrink and enlarge them at his own whim. Perhaps he’d even share with the other Generals. Then again, he mused as he let his gaze drift along the lean lines of Kuno’s body, the two he could see where very handsome boys. If the third one looked half as nice, then they were far too pretty to share. Jedite would rather keep them all to himself.

"Hold on to him," Jedite ordered Kuno, tipping his head vaguely in Ranma’s direction. The Blue Thunder got the idea and tightened his grip around the pig tailed boy’s body, even as Jedite tightened his own fist. Pleased with himself, and still smiling with bemusement, the Negaverse General turned, raising his free hand with the intention of summoning one of his trademark teleports and hopping back to his dimension of origin.

However, when he turned, Jedite was startled to come face to face with a pair of heavy black and silver boots, belonging to a man who was taller than he was. Much taller. Phenomenally taller. Smile fading, the General looked up and up, and was shocked to estimate that the newcomer was to him what he was to Kuno . . . what Kuno was to Ranma . . . what Ranma was to Ryoga . . . The man crouched down to get a better look at Jedite, the black leather of his long coat rustling, the brush of its hem alone destroying several districts of Tokyo.

His aquamarine eyes smiled coldly, as he rested his arm on his knee and gazed with inquiring speculation down at the blonde General who was holding a slender young man in his right hand. When he squinted, he thought that the young man might also be holding someone, but that was difficult to tell. Still, this was a rather curious situation, wasn’t it?

"Who are you?" Jedite asked, frowning warily, every nerve in his body starting to sing.

"My name is Sephiroth."

Once again, Ranma’s moan of "Oh Kami-sama . . . " went unheard.




Quite some distance away, Mousse and Heero stood together on the roof of the tallest building that they could find where they could still see the action, but weren’t in any immediate danger . . . yet. A hot breeze drifted past them, ruffling Mousse’s long ebony hair, and causing Heero to shift in his stance, arms crossed over his chest.

"I think," Mousse began, "that this just all goes to show that what they say is true."

"What’s that?" Heero asked in a low level tone.

"There’s always a bigger fish."

Heero blinked once, then turned to look at the Amazon, a flicker of annoyance in his cobalt eyes. "Mu-chan," he grumbled tightly. "That’s not even original."




Meanwhile, in another universe . . .




2000 raptor@lavadomefive.com

Disclaimer:  Ranma 1/2 characters belong to Rumiko Takahasi.  Jedite belongs to Naoko Takeuchi.  Sephiroth belongs to Square Co. Ltd.  and Heero Yuy belongs to . . . uhm . . . you know, I'll have to get back to you on that one.  Suffice it to say, he's not mine, and all of these characters are being used without permission.
